
How To Clean A Bong Without Alcohol

Learning how to clean a bong is crucial for maintaining a healthier way of smoking and for cleaner lungs.

Bong cleaning is essential because not only does a dirty bong look gross, it can accumulate in mold, spores, and bacteria.

how to clean a bong

Overtime, whether you are using a glass bong or acrylic bong, the more bacteria and mold is likely to be inhaled each time you take a hit without cleaning your bong.

It's important to find the right bong cleaning method that fits your needs. You can use a bong cleaning solution or you can learn how to clean a bong with alcohol and salt. Both have its pros and cons and in this article we will show you which is the best bong cleaner solution and also exactly how to clean bongs with common household items.


So, what are the two products you should avoid using to clean a bong? It's simple, isopropyl alcohol and salt.

Believe it or not, as common as this method is for cleaning acrylic bongs, silicone bongs, and glass bongs, they are actually doing more harm than good. While they may do the job of ridding your bong of build up or residue, it's also causing scratches in your bong.

This will affect the longevity of your piece, which is why you should avoid using this method of bong cleaning if possible.

How to Clean a Bong

  1. Use a real bong cleaner like the 710 solution.
  2. Pour in clean water with about 2oz of bong cleaning solution.
  3. Completely cover all the holes of your bong.
  4. Shake your bong vigorously for about 30 seconds.
  5. Rinse your bong with warm water.
  6. Ta-da! You have a perfectly clean bong.

Tip: Cleaning your bong more often will make it easier each time and you can use less bong cleaner each time.

Keep reading below for more facts and information on the dangers of using DIY bong cleaner and learn how to clean a plastic bong or glass bong.

Can I Use Isopropyl Alcohol to Clean My Bong?

Isopropyl alcohol is generally everyone's go to for easy bong cleaning, and we are here to inform you that it is never recommended. For starters, isopropyl alcohol contains high levels of VOC which is harmful not just to your bong but the environment as well. Fumes that are released from the alcohol are terrible for you and should never be inhaled.

How to Clean a Bong With Alcohol - If You Must

We understand that the perfect bong cleaner solution is not always at arm's reach, so if cleaning a bong with rubbing alcohol is your only choice, remember these things.

Sea salt which is typically used since it is more coarse, harsh, and larger in size when compared with regular salt, works in conjunction with the alcohol and functions as an abrasive which is used to remove the build up or mold. The issue however, lies in how tough the product is on your bong no matter the material.

If it's glass you can count on it being scratched, if it's acrylic you can also count on it scratching and deteriorating. If your acrylic water pipe is pigmented, that color will leak into your water chamber where you'll be experiencing a whole set of other problems. All in all, avoid both coarse salt and alcohol.

How to Clean a Plastic Bong the Right Way

If you are trying to find out how to clean a plastic bong, you might come up with some interesting bong cleaning methods.

Despite your best efforts, you won't be getting any bong clean with soap and water! Follow these simple steps on cleaning your plastic bong:

How to Clean a Plastic Bong the Right Way

  1. Using the ResRemover bong cleaner will be key.
  2. Fill the ResRomover bag with warm water.
  3. Add your dirty plastic bong in the bag.
  4. Soak your piece in the bag overnight.
  5. Remove it from the bag and rinse with warm water
  6. Now you have a clean bong!

The same rules apply if you are wondering how to clean an acrylic bong. When you use soap and water, your piece will be just as harsh with pretty much the same amount of gunk as before.

If you learned how to clean your bong with alcohol, you have been led the wrong way as well. Alcohol and salt are dangerous to use on plastic as the plastic can corrode and cause harmful carcinogens to be released into your smoke.

Keep reading to learn about some of the more natural bong cleaning solutions that will keep your piece from corroding and will keep your lungs safe from chemicals that might be released from a plastic bong.

How to Clean a Glass Bong Properly

Glass is the most popular form of bong, so we have tons of people wondering how to clean a glass bong properly.

Number one, the secret to cleaning a glass bong is to find the right bong cleaning solution.

If you want a clean bong, sure, you might want to wash it with soap and water just like your other dishes, but weed resin makes bong cleaning different! That weed gunk is not going anywhere. Follow these simple steps on how to clean a glass bong:

How to Clean a Glass Bong Steps

  1. Use the Mile High bong cleaner for a heavy duty clean.
  2. Fill your glass bong with clean water and around 2oz of bong cleaner.
  3. Make sure all holes/openings of the bong are covered.
  4. Shake your glass bong forcefully. (careful not to hit anything)
  5. Rinse it with warm water.
  6. Now, you have a sparkly clean bong!

Tip: Cover the holes of your bong with plastic from recycled grocery bags for a tight seal while you shake.

If you learned how to clean a bong with alcohol and salt, of course you probably will be able to get your bong pretty clean, but there are too many downsides to cleaning a bong with such corrosive substances. And to be honest, alcohol and salt will not even get your bong sparkly like it should be!

Get yourself one of the bong cleaning solutions that are available through DHC. You deserve to have your bong clean and sparkly on the daily. Get the job done by learning how to clean a bong the proper way with a bong cleaner that won't corrode your piece.


Listed below are the best bong cleaner solutions that offer more than just one product. If you're new and wondering how to clean a bong, Bong cleaning solutions are great for those who need an all-in-one type of package to save time and money in the long run.

Every time you take a rip, you introduce new nasty resins, residues, and plant matter into your glass and water. This means each snap will have some of the previous pull through resulting in a less flavorful and effective hit. Cleaning your bong between smoke sessions will ensure each time you take a hit, you get the maximum potency and ultimate experience.

Bong cleaning solutions are also a great alternative to just one product since everything you'll need will be provided in one whole set. Let's take a look through some of the best bong cleaner solutions on the market for 2021.

How to clean bong

DHC Bong Cleaning Kit: Best Bong Cleaning Solution

Daily High Club has one of the best Bong Cleaning Solution products available.

Kit Includes: Reusable ResRemover bong cleaner, 420 wipes for any sticky situations, cleaning caps to seal off the joint and mouthpiece for no-fuss and no-mess cleaning, a Smojo Screen to reduce the amount of build-up in your bong water or unwanted snacks in your pipe, and hard-bristle pipe cleaners for extra assistance.

Having standalone solutions is great, but honestly, the best thing to pick up is the tried-and-true DHC Bong Cleaning Kit. It is by far the easiest way to clean a bong and never again will you have to worry about funky flavors or stale water with this all-inclusive box that gives you all the best cleaning supplies you need!

Whether you have glass or acrylic or plastic (or a more sensitive bong), Daily High Club has put together the best of the best in pipe cleaning technology to combat gross grime and enhance your overall smoking experience.

best way to clean a bong

Res Gel Kit: Natural Bong Cleaner

Res Gel Kit has the simplest process making it the best option for the environment as a natural bong cleaner solution.

Kit Includes: Res caps, res gel solution, stick brush for brushing off debris or residue in hard to reach places, a res rag and cotton swabs for a no smudge clean.

These res caps cover the top and bottom joint hole so you can pour any of the below solutions right into the pipe without the use of wasteful plastic and bags, and also make bongs, rigs, and pipes way easier to clean. These items are all you'll need to have your bong looking squeaky clean while being environmentally friendly in the process!


Above were the two best ways to clean your bong with bong cleaning kits, while below are the fantastic options for cleaning a water pipe or bong with a single product by itself.

All of these bong cleaning options work wonderfully for the sole purpose of cleaning your water pipe as well as keeping it clean so that you won't ever have to worry about a dirty bong. It boils down to personal liking and what works best for certain people. Some may find other products easier to use over others and that's why we wanted to provide more than just one option, so there will be something for everyone.

Let's jump right into the absolute best methods of how to clean a bong and the different options you'll have depending on your preference.

how to clean your bong

Best Way to Clean a Bong - Resölution Gel

Res Gel is a non-toxic form of cleaning solution that works remarkably well at getting off any gunk or tough build up within your bong. It is a natural bong cleaner and arguably one of the better options for a bong cleaning solution since it contains a natural clay-based formula, less than 3% VOC, is reusable, and cleans in 60 seconds!

This gel comes in both a large and small size and is tailored for those looking for a quick and easy clean without the hassle or mess. Resölution gel is also very easy to use and contains no harsh smells or chemicals.

how to clean my bong

How to Clean your Bong with Formula 420

Formula 420 is a concentrated solution that contains both alcohol and salt and is accompanied with a nice scent to balance out the harsh and potent smell of isopropyl alcohol. Simply shake and rinse! The pros of using this cleaning solution are that it takes little to no time for an effective clean. The downside is this is only suitable for plastics and acrylic bongs. If you're looking for how to clean an acrylic bong or silicone bong, this bong cleaner will do the job perfectly.

However, due to the concentrated formula, it is advised to add the recommended amount of water to the solution and pour in your bong (with openings sealed) and then properly dispose of the alcohol mixture at your designated local state waste disposal when done. As mentioned earlier, alcohol and salt are not recommended for cleaning your bong but since this does not contain the same amount of VOC nor does it contain coarse sea salt, it is not as destructive or abrasive on your bong or water pipe.

how to clean a glass bong

How to Clean Bongs with ResRemover

This non-toxic powder is super simple and easy to use. Derived from plants, ResRemover formula is made up of natural ingredients that let you clean without solvents or salts that may be hard to flush after cleaning or harmful to inhale. It's also reusable and comes in a resealable pouch, allowing you to clean bowls or small pieces directly in the bag! No need for a DIY bong cleaner.

To use, just add hot water to the fill line and either drop your pipe in the soapy water or pour the mixture in your bong with the ends capped or sealed. Let your water pipe soak overnight and then rinse under hot water for a sparkly, good-as-new bong!

how to clean a silicone bong

Grunge Off Water Pipe Cleaner

Another easy-to-use product for water pipe cleaning is Grunge Off. It's biodegradable, non-toxic and earth-friendly, and quickly cuts through build-up for big results in a small amount of time. Just grab your bong and a bottle of Grunge Off and pour the non-abrasive solution right in. Keep the ends of your bong capped and let this product do its thing.

No scrubbing or gritty elements are necessary, so this cleaning method is easy on your pipes while remaining ruthless to resin and grunge. Once your bong has soaked for an hour - yes, only an hour - pour the reusable liquid back into the Grunge Off bottle for safe-keeping. A real-time and money saver! Rinse off your glass with warm water and let her rip, perfect for learning how to clean a glass bong or plastic.

Bottom Line

If you are wondering why or how to clean a bong, we hope that this information sticks with you.

It is essential to use bong cleaning solutions to keep your bong mold and residue free at all times so that you can smoke safely without any harm done to you or your lungs.

A clean bong is a happy one, and it's not always about just cleaning your water bong, it's about maintaining a clean bong for the long haul with the proper methods of how to clean your bong.

Not only is there a distinct difference in taste and smell when a bong is cleaned, but the overall aesthetics for your glass bong will also be phenomenal. Be sure to keep up with daily cleansing and keep that water pipe of yours looking shiny as ever!

Come back to the blog every week for more product news and information how-to guides!

How To Clean A Bong Without Alcohol


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